Results for 'Susana García Prudencio'

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  1.  7
    Book review: Durk gorter (ed.), Linguistic landscape: A new approach to multilingualism. Clevedon: Multilingual matters, 2006, lxxxix + 89 pp., us$54.95, £29.95. [REVIEW]Susana García Prudencio - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (4):484-486.
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    Validation of priority criteria for cataract extraction.Susana García Gutiérrez, Jose Maria Quintana, Amaia Bilbao, Antonio Escobar, Emilio Perea Milla, Belen Elizalde, Marisa Baré & M. P. H. Nerea Fernandez de Larrea Md - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):675-684.
    Rationale, aims and objectives Given the increasing prevalence of cataract and demand for cataract extraction surgery, patients must often wait to undergo this procedure. We validated a previously developed priority scoring system in terms of clinical variables, pre-intervention health status, appropriateness of surgery and gain in visual acuity (VA) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL).Methods Explicit prioritization criteria for cataract extraction created by a variation of the Research and Development (RAND) and University of California Los Angeles appropriateness methodology were retrospectively (...)
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  3. Data Hazards as An Ethical Toolkit for Neuroscience.Susana Román García, Ceilidh Welsh, Nina H. Di Cara, David C. Sterratt, Nicola Romanò & Melanie I. Stefan - 2025 - Neuroethics 18 (1):1-21.
    The Data Hazards framework (Zelenka, Di Cara, & Contributors, 2024) is intended to encourage thinking about the ethical implications of data science projects. It takes the form of community-designed data hazard labels, similar to warning labels on chemicals, that can encourage reflection and discussion on what ethical risks are associated with a project and how they can be mitigated. In this article, we explain how the Data Hazards framework can apply to neuroscience. We demonstrate how the hazard labels can be (...)
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    Evaluation of a Psychological Intervention for Patients with Chronic Pain in Primary Care.Francisco J. Cano-García, María del Carmen González-Ortega, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves, Salvador Chacón-Moscoso & Roberto Moreno-Borrego - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    El camino de los kami en las películas de Hayao Miyazaki.Susana Elena Rodríguez de Tembleque García - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e65353.
    A través de algunos largometrajes de animación de Hayao Miyazaki es posible reconocer las principales manifestaciones del sintoísmo. La veneración a los antepasados asociada al culto al emperador, el culto a la naturaleza manifestado en los irui-kon o matrimonios con seres sobrenaturales además de otros aspectos como la purificación, el más allá, los vuelos y el sacerdocio sintoísta son analizados en estas películas japonesas.
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  6. Dewey o la anti-metafisica.Susana Gordillo de García - 1982 - Filosofia Oggi 5 (3):335-352.
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    El territorio como base de una violencia espacial.Susana García Bujalance - 2013 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 48:37-48.
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  8. El trabajo social en el campo de lo grupal.Susana Alegre García - 2009 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 24:8.
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    From Livestock Farming to Amateur Botany in the Rio de la Plata: The Case of the Uruguayan Mariano B. Berro (1838–1919). [REVIEW]Susana V. García - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):577-601.
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    Data Hazards: An open-source vocabulary of ethical hazards for data-intensive projects.Natalie Zelenka, Nina H. Di Cara, Euan Bennet, Phil Clatworthy, Huw Day, Ismael Kherroubi Garcia, Susana Roman Garcia, Vanessa Aisyahsari Hanschke & Emma Siân Kuwertz - 2025 - Journal of Responsible Technology 21 (C):100110.
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  11. Two-Dimensional Semantics - Edited by Manuel García-Carpintero and Josep Maciá.Susana Nuccetelli - 2009 - Dialectica 63 (1):94-99.
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Economic autonomy and Gender in the rural sector in Latin America.Ana María Villafuerte-Pezo, Ruth Mercedes García-Pacheco de Mercado & Galia Susana Lescano-Lopez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Villafuerte-Pezo, A. M., García-Pacheco de Mercado, R. M., & Lescano-Lopez, G. S. (2022). Economic autonomy and Gender in the rural sector in Latin America. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–13. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the (...)
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    Autonomía económica y género en el sector rural de América Latina.Ana María Villafuerte-Pezo, Ruth Mercedes García-Pacheco de Mercado & Galia Susana Lescano-Lopez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-13.
    La autonomía económica permite a las mujeres ser económicamente autosuficientes y tomar decisiones libres respecto a sus vidas. La generación de ingresos propios representa un elemento simbólico y clave para el empoderamiento, el reforzamiento de la autoestima, la autovaloración y la reflexión sobre sus roles de género.A partir de la metodología PRISMA se realizó la revisión sistemática para identificar los factores y estrategias que explican la autonomía económica de las mujeres en zonas rurales de América Latina; destacando la participación en (...)
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    Emotional Self-Regulation in Everyday Life: A Systematic Review.Marina Alarcón-Espinoza, Susana Sanduvete-Chaves, M. Teresa Anguera, Paula Samper García & Salvador Chacón-Moscoso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Emotional self-regulation in childhood and adolescence constitutes a growing interest in the scientific community, highlighting in recent years the need to observe its development in their daily life. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to characterize publications referring to the development of emotional self-regulation of people under 18 years-old, in natural contexts. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, searches are carried out in the Web of Science, Scopus and PsycINFO databases, and in Google Scholar until May 2020. After reviewing (...)
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    Filosofías de la universidad y conflicto de racionalidades.Francisco Samuel Naishtat, Ana María García Raggio & Susana Villavicencio (eds.) - 2001 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones Colihue SRL.
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    Filosofia: Uma Introdução por Disciplinas.Pedro Galvão (ed.) - 2012 - Edições 70.
    AUTORES Agnaldo Cuoco Portugal | Aires Almeida | António Zilhão | Célia Teixeira | Desidério Murcho | Iñigo González Ricoy | João Cardoso Rosas | Manuel García-Carpintero | Mathias Thaler | Pedro Galvão | Ricardo Santos | Sara Bizarro | Sofia Miguens | Susana Cadilha | Teresa Marques Sobre os autores Os autores deste livro partilharam o objetivo de conceber um guia de estudo para a Filosofia estruturado tematicamente – i.e. em função de questões, perspectivas e argumentos, sem (...)
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    Racismo ambiental: uma proposta de sequência de atividades a partir de uma perspectiva CTS.Christiana Andréa Vianna Prudêncio & Mariana Dos Santos - 2024 - Odeere 9 (1):22-33.
    O termo racismo ambiental foi cunhado por Benjamin Franklin Chavis Jr. em 1981 nos Estados Unidos e de lá pra cá, este conceito foi sendo cada vez mais atrelado a uma materialização do racismo estrutural. A literatura tem mostrado que a discussão das relações étnico-raciais encontra pouco, ou nenhum lugar, nos cursos de formação de professores e, no caso do Ensino de Ciências, essa situação é ainda mais grave, uma vez que diversos professores acreditam que não cabe a eles abordar (...)
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  18. A presuppositional account of reference fixing.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):109-147.
    The paper defends a version of Direct Reference for indexicals on which reference-fixing material (token-reflexive conditions) plays the role of an ancillary presupposition.
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  19. On the Nature of Presupposition: A Normative Speech Act Account.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):269-293.
    In this paper I provide a new account of linguistic presuppositions, on which they are ancillary speech acts defined by constitutive norms. After providing an initial intuitive characterization of the phenomenon, I present a normative speech act account of presupposition in parallel with Williamson’s analogous account of assertion. I explain how it deals well with the problem of informative presuppositions, and how it relates to accounts for the Triggering and Projection Problems for presuppositions. I conclude with a brief discussion of (...)
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    How to Understand Rule-Constituted Kinds.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (1):7-27.
    The paper distinguishes between two conceptions of kinds defined by constitutive rules, the one suggested by Searle, and the one invoked by Williamson to define assertion. Against recent arguments to the contrary by Maitra, Johnson and others, it argues for the superiority of the latter in the first place as an account of games. On this basis, the paper argues that the alleged disanalogies between real games and language games suggested in the literature in fact don’t exist. The paper relies (...)
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    Hans Reiner in memoriam.Prudencio Acilu - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 10:473.
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    Experiencia, conocimiento histórico e idealismo en Michael Oakeshott.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico 50 (3):549-573.
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    La repulsa de la diversidad: el pensamiento de Juan Luis Vives en el contexto de la lucha político-religiosa del siglo XVI.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    MILL, John Stuart: Tres ensayos sobre la religión, Introducción, traducción y notas de Gerardo López Sastre, Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2014.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 62.
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    OAKESHOTT, Michael, Moral y política en la Europa moderna, traducción de Carmen Ors, Madrid, Síntesis, 2008.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 51:251-252.
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    Reflexiones sobre la naturaleza humana en el pensamiento de Aristóteles.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 36 (1):7-28.
    Aristotle says that only humans can speak and the speech capability is a proper criterion of humanity. Speech is also designated by Aristotle to indicate the right and the wrong. He finishes by saying that it is partnership in these things that makes a city. Ultimately a human being who is not in a polis, would not really be a human being at all? Would this human being then be no more human than a statue with a human form?
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    Vieja y nueva scholế: la educación y los estudios humanísticos según Michael Oakeshott.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:371-380.
    El sentido que la educación liberal posee para Michael Oakeshott se concentra en que ésta consiste en un aprendizaje de las disciplinas humanísticas y científicas. Dichas disciplinas se muestran valiosas ya que tienen la virtud de desarrollar el intelecto y la sensibilidad humanas y porque aportan, además, una comprensión operativa de lo que son nuestro yo, la sociedad, la naturaleza y la cultura. No obstante, como también es sabido, los fines que la educación liberal se propone pecan un tanto de (...)
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  28. Apaideusia: incultura y êthos en el mundo de la ciudad griega clásica.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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  29. Cosmopolitanism and Neo-Stoicism, Today.Beneitez Prudencio & Jose Javier - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (244):297-312.
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    Eutopía Y pólis : El Lugar de la inocencia Y la felicidad en la imagen de Los antiguos griegos.José Javier Benitez Prudencio - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 34:5-17.
    Human beings have imaged ideal societies across the time, with the aim of going beyond real ones, and solving the problems emerged from common life. This article intends to remark that theorical conceptions of society frequently have an ‘eutopian’ counterpart, that means, a very best physical or geographical location. It can be appreciated precisely in the Ancient Greek world. In order to approach to this subject, we will depart from the usual version in the pólis of the Golden Age given (...)
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    La ciudadanía cosmopolita de Martha Nussbaum.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2010 - Daimon: Revista de Filosofia Supplemento 3:347-356.
    Uno de los más famosos legados que recibe el pensamiento moderno proveniente del estoicismo antiguo es la concepción del cosmopolitismo, a pesar de lo cual la idea original estoica cuenta con nuevos enfoques y corrientes. La filósofa e importante clasicista Martha Nussbaum ha establecido en la actualidad una de las teorías más destacables teniendo en cuenta un punto de vista explícitamente estoico. En este artículo pretendo analizar, por un lado la exposición que Nussbaum ha hecho de la ciudadanía mundial, así (...)
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    La revisión del cosmopolitismo de Martha Nussbaum.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2021 - Isegoría 64:21-21.
    Identity itself has become complex and fragmented in our age, and in this sense, perhaps conventional categories as cosmopolitanism therefore no longer suit us very well. Conceptualizing the intellectual landscape between reactionary localism and vapid universalism, is where the debate in ethical cosmopolitanism has landed today. Although it shows no real sign of theoretical resolving or slowing, cosmopolitan theory has taken more explicitly new direction connected with the project associated with Martha Nussbaum’s thought. I propose to deal in this paper (...)
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    Nominadores bárbaros y el nombre de los dioses: una glosa al Crátilo de Platón.José Javier Benéitez Prudencio - 2007 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 12:29-53.
    As Socrates argues in Cratylus, although different name-makers or name-designers (Greeks and barbarians) do not embody the name in the same syllables it must not be forgotten that they attempt to reproduce the same ideal (t´ypos). Could also Greek and barbarian names of gods, made of different letters and syllables, reproduce the same t´ypos? If one takes seriously Herodotus’ onomatological inquiry in his Egyptian lógos (The Histories II 50), one may find the optimum way to understand the scope of Plato’s (...)
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  34. Escritos Filosóficos. Selección de Arturo Ardao. Prólogo de Sergio Pittaluga Stewart.Prudencio Vázquez Y. Vega & Arturo Ardao - 1965 - Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Previsión Social.
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  35. Singular Reference in Fictional Discourse?Manuel García-Carpintero - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (54):143-177.
    Singular terms used in fictions for fictional characters raise well-known philosophical issues, explored in depth in the literature. But philosophers typically assume that names already in use to refer to “moderatesized specimens of dry goods” cause no special problem when occurring in fictions, behaving there as they ordinarily do in straightforward assertions. In this paper I continue a debate with Stacie Friend, arguing against this for the exceptionalist view that names of real entities in fictional discourse don’t work there as (...)
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  36. Fiction-making as a Gricean illocutionary type.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):203–216.
    There are propositions constituting the content of fictions—sometimes of the utmost importance to understand them—which are not explicitly presented, but must somehow be inferred. This essay deals with what these inferences tell us about the nature of fiction. I will criticize three well-known proposals in the literature: those by David Lewis, Gregory Currie, and Kendall Walton. I advocate a proposal of my own, which I will claim improves on theirs. Most important for my purposes, I will argue on this basis, (...)
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  37. Being unimpressed with ourselves: Reconceiving humility.J. L. A. Garcia - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (4):417-435.
    I first sketch an account of humility as a character trait in which we are unimpressed with our good, envied, or admired features, achievements, etc., where these lack significant salience for our image of ourselves, because of the greater prominence of our limitations and flaws. I situate this view among several other recent conceptions of humility (also called modesty), dividing them between the inward-directed and outward-directed, distinguish mine from them, pose problems for each alternative account, and show how my understanding (...)
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  38. Bundle Theory’s Black Box: Gap Challenges for the Bundle Theory of Substance.Robert Garcia - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (1):115-126.
    My aim in this article is to contribute to the larger project of assessing the relative merits of different theories of substance. An important preliminary step in this project is assessing the explanatory resources of one main theory of substance, the so-called bundle theory. This article works towards such an assessment. I identify and explain three distinct explanatory challenges an adequate bundle theory must meet. Each points to a putative explanatory gap, so I call them the Gap Challenges. I consider (...)
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  39. Tolerance and religious pluralism in Bayle.Marta García-Alonso - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (6):803-816.
    For the philosopher of Rotterdam, religious coercion has two essential sources of illegitimacy: the linking of religious and ecclesiastical belief and the use of politics for religious purposes. Bayle responds to it, with his doctrine of freedom of conscience, on one hand and by means of the essential distinction between voluntary religious affiliation and political obligation, on the other hand. From my perspective, his doctrine of tolerance does not involve an atheist state, nor does it mean the rejection of the (...)
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    Evaluating Philosophy for Children.Felix García-Moriyón, Irene Rebollo & Roberto Colom - 2005 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 17 (4):14-22.
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    How “Mexican Pathologies” Were Transformed into Objects of Exhibition: Museums of Pathological Anatomy in 19th-Century Mexico.Laura Cházaro-García - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):553-575.
    This article analyses how samples of pathological anatomies were transformed into collectible objects in 19th-century Mexico, revealing a process that involved multiple locations and the mixture of the practices of physicians, anthropologists, and amateur collectors. Historiography has focused on the Museo de Anatomía Patológica (Museum of Pathological Anatomy), an institution devoted to the training of medical students created in 1853 at the Escuela Nacional de Medicina (National School of Medicine) in Mexico City. Archival evidence shows that medical collections existed far (...)
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  42. Leibniz on Innocent Individual Concepts and Metaphysical Contingency.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (1):73-94.
    Leibniz claims that for every possible substance S there is an individual concept that includes predicates describing everything that will ever happen to S, if S existed. Many commentators have thought that this leads Leibniz to think that all properties are had essentially, and thus that it is not metaphysically possible for substances to be otherwise than the way their individual concept has them as being. I argue against this common way of reading Leibniz’s views on the metaphysics of modality. (...)
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    Indirect Assertions.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2016 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):13-49.
    Imagination and Convention by Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone is a sustained attack on a standard piece of contemporary philosophical lore, Grice’s (1975) theory of conversational implicatures, and on indirect meanings in general. Although I agree with quite a lot of what they say, and with some important aspects of their theoretical stance, here I will respond to some of their criticism. I’ll assume a characterization of implicatures as theory-neutral as possible, on which implicatures are a sort of indirectly conveyed (...)
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    A Discursive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility Education: A Story Co-creation Exercise.José-Carlos García-Rosell - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1019-1032.
    Corporate social responsibility pedagogies and teaching techniques have been extensively discussed in the literature. They are viewed as crucial for illustrating business–society relationships and encouraging business students to act ethically. Although the experiential learning perspective prevails in the discussions on CSR education, little attention has been paid to the discursive nature of CSR learning. Considering this gap, the paper explores the role of discourses in CSR education by drawing upon the discursive perspective on CSR and the relational social-constructionist orientation to (...)
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    El big data en los procesos políticos: hacia una democracia de la vigilancia.Carlos Saura García - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:215-232.
    Este artículo se centra en el análisis del uso de la industria del big data en la política. Se examina de forma pormenorizada el caso de la empresa Cambridge Analytica y se profundiza en los efectos del uso de la tecnología del big data en el referéndum de permanencia de Reino Unido en la Unión Europea y en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2016. El objetivo es exponer los efectos nocivos que tiene el uso de la tecnología del big data (...)
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  46. Leibniz, a Friend of Molinism.Juan Garcia - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (3):397-420.
    Leibniz is commonly labeled a foe of Molinism. His rejection of robust libertarian freedom coupled with some explicit passages in which he distances himself from the doctrine of middle knowledge seem to justify this classification. In this paper, I argue that this standard view is not quite correct. I identify the two substantive tenets of Molinism. First, the connection between the conditions for free actions and these free actions is a contingent one: free actions follow contingently from their sufficient conditions. (...)
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    Anti-consumption for Environmental Sustainability: Conceptualization, Review, and Multilevel Research Directions.Nieves García-de-Frutos, José Manuel Ortega-Egea & Javier Martínez-del-Río - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):411-435.
    Given the potential that environmentally oriented anti-consumption (EOA) has in achieving environmental sustainability, the authors draw upon marketing, management, environmental, and psychology studies to conceptualize and delimit EOA, differentiating it from other (related but distinct) phenomena. In addition, the authors review the available literature at the individual (micro) level and summarize research on the antecedents and meanings of broad and specific/strict EOA practices with different targets. Furthermore, the authors propose an agenda for future research, which reflects on EOA not only (...)
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  48. Charles Mills’ Epistemology and Its Importance for Social Science and Social Theory.Eric Bayruns García - 2024 - Logos and Episteme 15 (2).
    In Charles Mills’ essay, “White Ignorance,” and his trail-blazing monograph, The Racial Contract, he developed a view of how Whiteness or anti-Black-Indigenous-and-Latinx racism causes individuals to hold false beliefs or lack beliefs about racial injustice in particular and the world in general. I will defend a novel exegetical claim that Mills’ view is part of a more general view regarding how racial injustice can affect a subject’s epistemic standing such as whether they are justified in a belief and whether their (...)
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  49. Polvo en la tierra: la poesía temprana de Susana March.Susana Cavallo - 2006 - Arbor 182 (720):447-453.
    Se estudia la producción poética primera de la escritora barcelonesa Susana March (1915-1990) perteneciente a la Generación del 36. Su actividad poética más fecunda cabe datarla en el periodo de 1938-1953. Razones de estrechez económica la obligaron, junto con su marido Ricardo Fernández de la Reguera, a producir una literatura de carácter comercial. Se analizan sus poemarios: Rutas, Poemas de la Plaza Real y La pasión desvelada.
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    A Non-modal Conception of Secondary Properties.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2007 - Philosophical Papers 36 (1):1-33.
    There seems to be a distinction between primary and secondary properties; some philosophers defend the view that properties like colours and values are secondary, while others criticize it. The distinction is usually introduced in terms of essence; roughly, secondary properties essentially involve mental states, while primary properties do not. In part because this does not seem very illuminating, philosophers have produced different reductive analyses in modal terms, metaphysic or epistemic. Here I will argue, firstly, that some well-known examples fail, and (...)
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